
Data Science is a multi- disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms to produce knowledge & insights from structured & unstructured data. It utilises techniques & theories derived from many fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics & information science. Data science is a term used to refer to all the procedures and methodologies that are used to procure, organize, package, and present data in an easily understandable format. Data Science has been proved successful in creating a vast impact on various business industries. It has transformed the working of innumerable sectors & still on its way to explore the remaining untapped areas. Data Science helps the world in the expansion of new technology and benefits one to look at the world in a unique manner. Aspirants can take up the Data Science course and become a Data Scientist or a Professional in the field.

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Course Content

Course Content

  • Module1: Introduction to data science
  • Module2: Python
  • Module3: Data Science
  • Module4: Data Science using Python
  • Module5: Data Science using R programming
  • Module6: Mini project

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